

While Blooming Light Designs products can be used in a variety of ways in many types of crafting projects, they are created with two of our favorite creative practices in mind:


Journaling is the act of writing down your thoughts and feelings to get them out of your head and onto paper and provides a means to track and understand them more clearly.  Or, more simply put, journaling offers a way to release, record, and reflect upon your thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

There are countless benefits to journaling.  You can journal to create order out of chaos, reduce stress and anxiety, process grief,  improve your mental health, boost your physical health, manage change, improve relationships, gain clarity and perspective, clear your head to sleep better, improve memory function, express gratitude, understand yourself better, capture memories, explore creativity, to name but a few.  And you don’t have to be a writer or even have to like writing to reap the benefits of journaling.  Journaling simply provides a means to get your thoughts out of your head and onto the page to be able to examine them more closely, process them, and gain clarity.

Junk Journaling

Junk journaling is a form of art journaling involving the use of “found items” and ephemera to create unique and visually appealing journal pages:

  • Found items – Objects found or purchased and kept for their aesthetic or intriguing qualities, such as dried flowers or leaves, fabric scraps, lace, coins, old photos, washi tape, stickers, etc.
  • Ephemera – Generally paper-based written or printed collectable memorabilia meant to be used once or for a short time, such as ticket stubs, receipts, postcards, but are then saved as a keepsake and used for decoration.

Many of junk journaling’s benefits align with journaling and those of other creative practices including fostering creativity and self-expression, promoting attentiveness, reducing stress and anxiety, enhancing brain function, providing a tool for improved mental and emotional health and well-being.

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